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Galvanic Treatments

Frequently Asked Questions

Galvanic Treatment is a skincare procedure that utilises a low-level electric current to address various skin concerns. It involves the use of a galvanic device that emits a positive and negative charge to enhance the penetration of skincare products, promote circulation, and perform deep cleansing or iontophoresis.

During a Galvanic Treatment, the aesthetician applies a conductive serum or solution on the skin’s surface. The galvanic device, equipped with positive and negative electrodes, is then used to create an electrical circuit. The electric current helps to carry charged ions into the skin, allowing for better absorption of beneficial ingredients or softening impurities for deep cleansing.

Galvanic Treatments offer several benefits, including:

  • Improved product penetration: The electric current enhances the absorption of active ingredients, maximizing the benefits of skincare products.
  • Deep cleansing: The desincrustation process helps to soften and dislodge debris from the pores, making it useful for treating blackheads and acne.
  • Increased circulation: The stimulation from the current can improve blood flow and oxygenation to the skin.
  • Skin firming and tightening: Galvanic treatments can promote collagen production and provide a temporary firming effect on the skin.

Galvanic Treatments are generally not painful. Clients may feel a mild tingling sensation or warmth during the procedure, but it should not be uncomfortable.

The number of sessions required to see results varies depending on individual skin concerns and goals. For some people, noticeable improvements may be seen after a single session. However, a series of treatments (usually 4-6 sessions) spaced a week or two apart is often recommended for more significant and long-lasting results.

Galvanic Treatments are generally safe for most skin types. However, individuals with certain medical conditions, such as pacemakers, metal implants, or epilepsy, should avoid this treatment. Pregnant women should also consult their healthcare provider before undergoing any galvanic procedure.

Yes, Galvanic Treatments can be combined with other skincare procedures, such as facials, microdermabrasion, or LED therapy, to enhance the overall results.

Side effects of Galvanic Treatments are minimal and temporary. They may include slight redness or tingling immediately after the procedure, but these effects should subside shortly after the treatment.